
Vaginal Rejuvenation

What Is Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation?

At Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center, we trust our vaginal rejuvenation procedures to none other than Viveve Patients can return to work immediately following their appointment, and, in many cases, require only one session to see results.

Viveve™ is a state- of-the-art, innovative handheld device that is used to prompt the production of collagen in the vagina. A combination of radiofrequency energy and a cooling component are sent to the target area. Using a gentle, yet effective, approach to improving the form and function of the vagina.


Is Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation Right For Me?

Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation is ideal for you if you’re a woman who suffers from:

But as always, the best first step is to book a consultation with us to evaluate your needs and to make sure that this treatment is best for you. You can schedule a consultation by filling out a form here.


What Is A Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Like?

During your procedure, we will use the handheld device to deliver the appropriate amount of radiofrequency energy. Your appointment will take only 30 minutes out of your day. Once done, you are free to return to work or other daily activities as soon as you leave our office.

What To Expect After Your Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure

Our patients are free to return to their daily activities as soon as their procedures are complete. However, we do recommend waiting 48 hours before resuming sexual intercourse, in order to maintain your comfort. In the days and weeks after your appointment, the collagen will begin to form. The most visible results will become apparent approximately three months after your procedure. These results will last up to a year or longer, Afterwards, you may elect to have a maintenance procedure to keep you looking and feeling your best.