Biocorneum Scar Treatment

scar treatment

What Is Biocorneum Scar Treatment?

Biocorneum Scar Treatment products are one of the most requested and effective treatment solutions for treating visible scars and restoring skin beauty. These products help minimize the appearance of scars and also decrease the sun from darkening them further. Biocorneum makes uses a combination of a patented medical grade silicone and SPF 30 to help minimize the formation of growing scars and decrease the appearance of old scars.

Biocorneum Scar Treatment products are capable of addressing a variety of scar-types. It can help with both surgical and cosmetic scars, burns, wounds and trauma. Whether your scars or old and new, Biocorneum can be very effective in reducing their visibility by lowering the redness and discoloration.

At Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center, we offer a number of Biocorneum skin care products as a scar treatment solution.

scar treatment


Is Biocorneum Right For Me?

These products are helpful and effective in treating a number of skin conditions. These products are worth using if you’re looking to treat surgical scars.