Unwanted Body Hair

What Is Unwanted Body Hair?

Unwanted body hair is an issue for many people. Though it can be managed with shaving, waxing, plucking and hair removal creams, the results are incredibly temporary and its only a matter of days until the hair restores itself. Fortunately, Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center offers more lasting solutions without the pain of waxing and razor cuts.


What Causes Unwanted Body Hair?

Unwanted body hair is mainly a consequence of genetic factors. Some people are more predisposed than others. The areas that people find concern with are typically bikini areas, legs, arms, and underarms.

How Is Unwanted Body Hair Treated?

Though waxing and razors can offer temporary relief, they are just that – temporary. The issue is that the hair follicle that produces the hair resides underneath the skin, remaining active despite conventional methods for reducing unwanted body hair. Unfortunately, these methods can even worsen the cosmetic appearance of your skin with issues such as ingrown hairs and irritation.

At Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center, we offer laser-based solutions as a more effective treatment for unwanted body hair. Most dermatologists use lasers for the removal of unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Depending on how much hair you’d like to remove, you may have to make a few visits to the office.

Dermatologists use lasers to remove unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Thanks to advances in technology, most people can safely have laser hair removal.

Of course, the best first step is to schedule a consultation so we can evaluate your situation and come up with the best treatment plan for you.