Spider Veins

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins or varicose veins are big veins that push up from the skin and protrude in a mesh-like manner – like spider webs. They can either look blue, red or flesh-colored. If you are looking to reduce the appearance of these veins and look better than ever in your warm-weather outfits, there are solutions.


What Causes Spider Veins?

This condition can manifest as a result of hormonal changes, exposure to sun light or an injury. They can also develop as a result of a sedentary lifestyle without much exercise. Their development is also genetic, as some people seem to develop them easier than others. Age and pregnancy also causes them to manifest.

How Are Spider Veins Treated?

There are a few self-care methods that can help with improving circulation. If you happen to live a very sedentary life, then these methods will certainly benefit you:

  • Exercising and keeping active.
  • Elevating your legs
  • Getting up and walking around every 30 minutes if you are sitting for extended periods of time.
  • Sitting down for 30 minutes if you are standing for extended periods of time.
  • Avoid soaking in hot baths for long durations.

Though these self-care tips can help prevent the manifestation of new spider veins, they will not address existing ones.

For existing spider veins, Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center has several treatments that can help reduce and remove these veins’ appearance. These treatments can also help with broken capillaries and removing cherry angiomas. Laser treatments are incredibly effective in treating this condition. However, as always, it is best to schedule a consultation first and foremost to properly evaluate your situation so as to provide an effective treatment plan. In terms of laser treatment options, we offer the following at the center: