Double Chin

What Is A Double Chin?

Double chin, as the name suggests, is exactly that – having a double chin. Even with a strict diet and regular workouts, the fat under the chin is often the most stubborn to get rid of. Rest assured that more than half of all adults find themselves with “a little extra” under their chin area. Thankfully, Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center offers you a number of solutions to achieve the shapely jawline and profile you seek; to help your confidence shine through.


What Causes A Double Chin?

There are several factors that can cause the condition to manifest. As we age, like the rest of our skin, our chin can also lose its firmness and begin to sag. As we get older, our collagen and elastin production decrease over time. The diet and weight of a person can also contribute to the condition. Diets that are high in processed foods, sugar and calories are to be avoided in order to avoid having the condition. Genetics can also factor in the develop of the condition. Despite being young and eating well, a person can still have this condition.

How Is A Double Chin Treated?

Lantry Aesthetic & Skincare Center offers Kybella as a treatment in order to address the condition and help achieve the look that you want.