LightSheer Duet


What Is LightSheer Duet Laser Treatment?

LightSheer Duet is a laser that generates a vast beam of extremely concentrated light. The hair follicles’ pigment absorbs this light. The laser pulses very quickly to allow the hair to absorb the light and heat up. The heat causes the hair shaft and bulb to be damaged, discouraging its ability to regrow. Because of the size of the beam, it handles a large number of follicles simultaneously, allowing for a much faster treatment time than conventional laser hair removal treatments.


Is LightSheer Duet Laser Treatment Right For Me?

LightSheer Duet can be a very effective treatment if you’d like to treat unwanted body hair in the following areas;

  • Back
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Full Legs
  • Lowers Legs
  • Bikini Area

But as always, the best first step is to book a consultation with us to evaluate your needs and to make sure that this treatment is best for you. You can schedule a consultation by filling out a form here.


What Can I Expect From My LightSheer Duet Laser Treatment?

  • You’ll be given an initial consultation and evaluation to see if LightSheer Duet is the right treatment to meet your goals.
  • We will design an individualized treatment plan that is best for you based on the consultation.
  • LightSheer Duet treatments can take 20 minutes or less depending on the target areas.
  • Treatment is virtually harmless. There is a light pinching sensation. You can request a topical anaesthetic for sensitive areas.
  • You will receive your LightSheer Duet treatments either by Dr. Lantry or one of our registered nurses.
  • Redness and swelling will occur on the treated area for a few hours. You’ll receive recovery instructions by Dr. Lantry.
  • You don’t need to take any time off work.
  • We recommend 4 – 8 treatments with 5 – 12 weeks apart between treatments.
  • Results will appear cumulatively over time as more treatments are done.
  • You’ll have a follow up scheduled to assess your results and see if there’s any touch-up work required.